We have season tickets to the Utah games, so we went to get Sushi at our new favorite little sushi place before the game. If you're into that, this place is SO good! Our friends that we go to the games with had an extra ticket, so Riley decided he wanted to come with us. That meant that he had to come get sushi with us. He loves seafood, so we weren't worried about him, and he actually liked it!! We were laughing because the first thing he tried was the Hamachi (yellow tail fish), and he downed it. He loved it! Let's just hope that he doesn't want it too often, that could get expensive!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Mine and Riley's b-day's are just two days apart. I guess the best gift I have ever received was bringing him home from the hospital on my birthday. I was happy that Tyler was back from his business trip so we could spend the day together.
We have season tickets to the Utah games, so we went to get Sushi at our new favorite little sushi place before the game. If you're into that, this place is SO good! Our friends that we go to the games with had an extra ticket, so Riley decided he wanted to come with us. That meant that he had to come get sushi with us. He loves seafood, so we weren't worried about him, and he actually liked it!! We were laughing because the first thing he tried was the Hamachi (yellow tail fish), and he downed it. He loved it! Let's just hope that he doesn't want it too often, that could get expensive!
We had tons of fun at the game. Riley was a trooper, and loved all the action. His favorite part was the very end of the game when all the bleachers cleared out, so he could run up and down. He danced w/ the band the whole night, and kept us entertained.

I was happy to spend my birthday night with two of my favorite boys!! Thanks for the fun day!
We have season tickets to the Utah games, so we went to get Sushi at our new favorite little sushi place before the game. If you're into that, this place is SO good! Our friends that we go to the games with had an extra ticket, so Riley decided he wanted to come with us. That meant that he had to come get sushi with us. He loves seafood, so we weren't worried about him, and he actually liked it!! We were laughing because the first thing he tried was the Hamachi (yellow tail fish), and he downed it. He loved it! Let's just hope that he doesn't want it too often, that could get expensive!
Birthday party!
Riley wanted to have an "all boys" party this year. I hated excluding some of his best friends, that are girls, but hey, the birthday boy gets what he wants. He chose a craft to do at the first of the party. Each boy got a cute sports door hanger w/ his name and foam stickers to decorate.
Everybody Smile!! What cute party guests we had!
We did relay races where the kids had to perform a different "event". i.e: Throw the football through the hula hoop, kick the soccer ball through the cones, make a basket in the net, hit two golf balls, etc. They had fun doing it, and were great sports!

I had to recruit Abby, and my two nieces, Ellie and Lillian to be my "helpers". This was an All-boys party remember, so no girls were allowed.
Thanks to my Mom, my friend Mary Ann, and my sis-in-law, Jamie for helping make the party a success!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
I want to know how in the world my baby boy got so big? Riley turned six years old today. I am amazed that I can vividly remember all of the details of that awesome day when Riley came to our family. It was so much fun having a brand new baby. Now, he is a big Kindergartener. Where has the time gone? He was so excited to wake up this morning to balloons and streamers everywhere, and a HUGE pile of presents. Tyler said it looked like Christmas. Tyler had to go to Las Vegas this morning for business (miss you Ty!!), so we got the kids up early for presents, and a fun-filled day.
Riley was so excited to get his very own real Utes football helmet!
Off he goes on his new scooter
I went to his Kindergarten class today to take a birthday treat. Here are the three buddies: Riley, Luke and William. Today was Orange day at school (if you can't tell)
and the birthday lunch? McDonald's off course. Grandma Price (my mom), and my own Grandma and Uncle came to celebrate with us.
Riley played at Luke's for awhile this afternoon, then he wanted to go visit his cousins out at my Mom's house in South Jordan. We grabbed some dinner, then off to Soccer practice. He wanted to take cupcakes to his team, but I just didn't want to make them. Is that mean? I quickly changed the subject so he wouldn't think about it. I figure he is having his real Birthday party tomorrow, so there will be enough sweets there.
All in all, it was a great day, and I am happy that my little bud had a fun day.
All in all, it was a great day, and I am happy that my little bud had a fun day.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Do you ever just feel "blah"? I have had a lot happening the last little while, but I have been stuck in the rut. You know- when you just don't want to do anything: clean, cook, play, look at the computer? It's not depression- just laziness. My kids and I were all sick last week. Abby was home from school on Monday, and tried to stay home again today. I actually should have kept her home because of a cough that is still lingering. I couldn't handle another day of doing nothing, so I made her go so I can get things organized for Riley's birthday tomorrow. I promise I am going to stop being such a slacker, and get to blogging again, and the rest of my life.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Fun at the Fair
I took the kids to the Utah State Fair yesterday w/ my mom, my brother Kreg and Tara and their little boy, who are visiting from Alaska. It was a perfect day- great temperature, and no crowds. The kids had fun- except when we were just walking around looking at all the "boring stuff" (according to Riley). Here area few pics of our adventures:
Kreg, Riley, Abby
The kids totally wanted to do the big slide, and were so scared that they wouldn't go on it again, so my sis-in-law and I took their second turn.
They had the cutest "Kiddie Farm" ever!!! There were so many interactive things for the kids to do here! I wish we would have seen this at the very beginning. We could have spent the whole time here.

Kreg, Riley, Abby
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hard work...
Tyler is the Young Men's president in our ward, and often hosts "Movie Nights" in our backyard for all of the youth. We project the movies up onto a big screen on the side of our house. Anyway, it has become tradition to move all of our love sacs outside to sit on. Now, this is usually a job that I recruit our Priests to do, since they are so heavy, let alone carrying them up the stairs, and clear out to the back yard. Last Friday we were doing a movie night, and Riley's friends were over. Well, these little guys decided that they wanted to be the "Young Men", and move the love sacs by themselves. They gave it a good effort (getting it on to the landing at the bottom of the stairs. ) Now they just had to somehow get it up all the way. Long, and painful, and absolutely hysterical story short, we got the first one up. As soon as we got to the top, they all collapsed... and just laid there. I don't think they realize how much work it really would be. They were so cute as they were putting forth everything they had into it. They had fun jumping on it outside after we finally got it out. Luke's reaction summed it all up... "Miss Jana, can we please leave the other Love Sacs downstairs? "
workers: William & Max Summerhays, Luke Lloyd, Abby & Riley Sohm
Litttle Ballerina's
Abby started dance again at my friend Aubray's studio in her home. She is taking ballet and tap, which she loves. The best part is... one of her best little friends, Jane, is in her class!! We didn't even know that she was signed up. Abby is so excited to have her there. I told the girls to give me their best "ballerina pose", and this is what I got. Aren't they darling in their matching outfits? I am already excited for recital time!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
School girl
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