Friday, November 19, 2010

Thankful for...

I have been thinking a lot about Thanksgiving, so I will more than likely do a "thankful list" post. But for now, I just can't imagine a day going by without my kids being silly with me, and just having fun. Now THAT, I am thankful for!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Festivities!

We had a great Halloween this year. I am happy that it is over... oh yes... I am very happy. The kids had a great time. Riley was a pirate- I don't think he ever wore his complete costume once- oh well. This is him, William, and Eli getting ready for their big night out.

Abby was a devil. She was happy that she had big Abbie to be with on Halloween, who was a genie. So cute!!

Jake was a pirate by day, and a dragon by night. He was smart and realized that he would be warmer as a dragon.

Preschool Program
Little pirate at his preschool Halloween program. Do you think he sang one song? No! I even bribed him with ANY toy that he wanted at Target. Um... still nothing. At least he was cute.

I decided to dress our trunk up cute this year... I don't do spooky. Abby wanted to do a Hawaii theme, so she and I dressed up as Hula girls. I guess as hula-y as you can get w/ long pants and jackets. Tyler dressed as a Hawaiian tourist, but I never got his picture. We had a great turn out, and the kids had a ton of fun!

Halloween Parade at school
Riley, Abby, and Jane as Dorothy right before school. I didn't check my camera battery before we left for their parade, and sure enough, it died on me right before I saw my kids. At least my video camera caught them.

Grandma Price's annual Halloween Bash
My Mom & Dad go all out for Halloween. The kids love being with their cousins. We played fun games, ate great food, had the traditional dance party & parade around grandma's house- this year w/ a twist... you had to slide under the streamers in the doorway.
Here are G & G and all the kids, plus me because Jake wouldn't participate in the picture.

Family picture
Tyler went all out this year... really... this was quite a stretch for him- dressing as a BYU fan.

Grandma was Hermione from Harry Potter, and my cute nephew Tanner was Harry himself.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!