Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bear Lake Adventures

We went up to Bear Lake this weekend. Bad idea on the 24th of July. It was crowded, but still SO fun!! Forget the boat. All the kids wanted was a shovel, a pale, and all the sand they could possibly imagine- and get all over themselves. They had fun with their cousins- thanks Larsen's for letting us hang out with you!!

Hard at work!
Family photo- I know, it isn't so great, but at least we were all there
Don't ask... I have no idea what we were doing? 
Turning into the "Sand Monster"
Jakey wasn't quite sure what to do with the sand. I love this picture!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Draper Days

We took the kids to Draper Days this weekend. They had so much fun. Here are a few pics of our adventures... 

All Abby wanted to do was get her face painted

Ride em' Cowboy!!

Abby picked out the horse she wanted to ride.... Scarecrow

We met up with some of our friends; Mary Ann, and Luke (Riley's buddy). The kids had so much fun going on all the blow-up rides together!

All aboard the animal train... This was just a little too bumpy for Jacob, but he still had fun

I'm a big kid now

Riley hit a major milestone last week... He learned to ride his bike without training wheels! He was at his friend Luke's house, and just hopped on his bike (who had already learned w/out training wheels), and took off. He is so proud of himself, and that is all he wants to do now. I am happy that I didn't have to go through the "parent running along while holding the bike up" phase.  Good job Riley!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Count your blessings

This was Jacob just yesterday afternoon. He was happy, and having fun splashing in his little wagon without a care in the world. Then last night, around 11:00 p.m. Tyler had to rush him to Primary Children's because he had a very high fever, and was breathing so fast that he was almost hyperventilating. He has had a bit of a cold, but it had escalated, and his oxygen count was down too low (which would explain the breathing issue). He had to be sucked out, and have oxygen tubes in his nose. They were at the hospital for a few hours, but luckily got to come home last night (or this morning I guess.) All in all, he is ok, just a little tuckered out. He has to have an inhaler, and antibiotics. I am happy that is all he needs. I am so happy that Tyler was the one to take him. He is stronger than me when it comes to watching our children suffer. Thanks Ty- You're the best!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mommy Tag

Abby was tagged by her friend Jane. I always love getting kids responses...

1. What is something mom always says to you? Clean your room
2. What makes mom happy? I forgot
3. What makes mom sad? When me and Jakey hit each other
4. How does mom make you laugh? You do funny cartwheels
5. What was mom like as a child? You were cute- you looked like me
6. How old is your mom? 30
7. How tall is your mom? 30
8. What is your mommy's favorite thing to do? eat popsicles
9. What does your mom do when your not around? play with friends
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? Singing (ya right!!)
11.  What is your mom really good at? Cartwheels
12. What is your mom not very good at? doing puppet shows
13. What does your mom do for her job? Make cookies, and take care of me
14. What is your mom's favorite food? Chinese
15. What makes you proud of your mom? You can ride a bike
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Sleeping Beauty. Riley said I would be Pablo from the Backyardigans. (I don't get it)
17. What do you and your mom do together? Cartwheels and dance
18. How are you and your mom the same? We both like tape
19. How are you and your mom different? I'm little, and you're big
20. How do you know your mom loves you? You tell me, silly! 

Abby tags Tanner Price, and Teesa Riley

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Swimming lesson

Riley and Abby have been in swimming lessons the last couple of weeks, and they love it!! This is their first time, and they are doing so well. Abby especially is improving, seeing how just until she started swim lessons, she wouldn't even get her face wet in the pool. No joke. It was pure trauma and hysterics if someone let go of her at all. She loves diving now, and loves being in the pool. Riley is the funniest. He makes time pass by dancing to the water aerobic music that is playing. He doesn't realize that half the spectators are watching him having a good time out there. This has definately been worth while, and they can't wait for their next session to begin. 

Abby with some of her class, she is the one leaning forward
Little Abby
Riley hanging out, waiting for his teacher

Monday, July 14, 2008

First Haircut

The time has come... Jakey's hair was getting just a little too long. We totally loved his cute curls in the back, and Abby loved spiking the front every day. But, every little boy has to grow up sometime. Grandma Becky cut his hair, and he did so good. He was so into his sucker that he barely noticed the clippers by his head. Thanks goodness!



Isn't he cute!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July

Does anyone ever feel like you are just running during the holidays? We always are, but we had so much fun this year, and loved being with all of our family and friends. Our whole weekend has been a whirlwind of activites:

On Thursday night, we invited a few friends over for fireworks- which ended up being a lot more people than we planned on, but it was still so fun! Tyler said we just might have to make July 3rd a tradition. We will keep you posted.

Friday morning we woke up early and went to our neighbor's house for their 4th of July breakfast. It was really cool because they always invite more non-members than members, so we always meet people that we normally don't see around. It made me feel a little guilty realizing that there are so many neighbors close by that I don't know. I guess I need to get in the missionary mode again. After breakfast, we went out to my parent's for the day. They have a pool, and all of the cousins were there. My kids absolutely adore their cousins, and had so much fun. Tyler's grandma's birthday is on the 4th, so we went to her birthday-bbq. It is always good to see family. Then off to the fireworks. We went over to Sandy, and sat on the hill at Jordan High. Tyler's parents came and sat with us, so that was fun. I especially loved the fireworks this year, because where we were sitting, you could see the Jordan River Temple, and it looked like the fireworks were going out straight from the spire. It was pretty cool. Our kids were exhausted, but thanks to the 50-count tube of glow sticks that I brought, they were entertained!

Saturday morning we got up early and went boating, then to my grandma's house in Orem for a pool party. Gosh, I am getting tired just writing this. Thank heavens it is over, and now we get to rest!
Our firework party on the 3rd
Awww.... Jakey loved the bright lights.

Playtime at Grandma's house

Stylin' little guy

Abby loves being on the boat with Grandpa Dallan