Tuesday, October 7, 2008

One more...

I guess it's about to time to announce that we are adding another little person to our family. Yup, I'm pregnant! I am really excited to have four kids, but at the same time, that thought just about blows my mind! Three has been so fun, I guess what's one more to the mix? I am due April 26, which makes me about 12 weeks along. I am already starting to pooch out a little- not fair. My doctor says that my body just knows know what to do, so it isn't wasting any time. We told the kids last night for family night, and they were so excited. They first drew a picture of our family as it is, then after we told them, they added the baby in my tummy. They both think it is a girl, and were coming up with girl names last night. Riley kept coming back to "Mylie", just so they could rhyme. Plus he said, "then she can be like Hannah Montana." I wish I could add a gender announcement, but not until 20 weeks. So, we will keep you posted...


Sheri said...

I am so very excited for you...and I love how the kids show their love for this new little one in their art work. Congratulations to a great family!

Laura Stringham said...

good parents like you guys should have lots of kids. congratulations!

Greg said...


The Maughans said...

Congratulations! Jenny told me to check out your family's blogs, and now I'm glad I did. So nice to live close again and see you guys every once and a while - or at least a wedding or two!

Turia said...

I love the family pictures. So cute. This is an awesome post.

Jadi said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so happy for you guys. I will be excited to find out the gender in a few more months. I hope you have been feeling OK.

Kriss said...

That's great!!! I had no idea, but I did see you doing some suspicious whispering to Merilee at church. I think 4 is the perfect number of kids! Good Luck!

Shumway Adventures said...

This is so exciting!!

Kim and Chet said...

Oh WOW! Jana that is so exciting! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know what you mean about being nervous about four kids...I'm biting my nails about five :) I'm sure you are such a cute mom and I'm so happy for you and your family. I love how the kids just get so excited about it. My youngest keeps kissing my belly and telling the baby "I Love you" It's too cute! I hope you are feeling okay.

MRSA MOM said...


Lloyd's Tribune said...

AW.......so sweet! They are all so cute! You both have such wonderful kids! Congratulations again! I wish we were gonna be here to celebrate with you! Well, one more reason to keep up the blogging! Yes, we will have the kids be pen pals!

Baylie Benson said...

CONGRATS!!!! I'm exited for you!!

JasonandJenn said...

Congrats - you are daring in my book. I think I am good with 3.

Jamie said...

Congrats! Spring baby will be perfect! How are ya feeling?

M&M Frost said...

Hi Price! Congrats!
We are so excited for you! We hope you are doing well!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you will still read this comment since it has been about a week since you posted!!! But SOOO exciting!!! You always said you wanted more and more kids...you crazy girl! I'm still saying I'm so content with 2...but I'm so happy for you!

RaQuelle Willey said...

yay! That is so exciting! Spring baby sounds perfect.

Nikkie said...

Pooch? I'm sure you're imagining things! Lots of kids are lots of fun! Congratulations!