Two of my sister-in-laws, Jenni and Turia and I have been doing the best thing ever. We swap baby sitting for dates. One night of the month I will watch all of the cousins at my house so the other couples can go out on a date without having to pay a baby sitter. It may seem a little crazy during the play date, especially with 9 grandkids now. But with my husband there, it really isn't that bad. Paying baby sitters can get so expensive, so this is a good way to save a little cash, plus the kids LOVE being together.

What a GREAT idea!!! Wish I would've thought of that before Kylee turned old enough to watch them for me :) That's fun for the kids too to be able to play with cousins.
I love looking at these pictures they are always so fun
Kaden has been talking about this weeks late over all week. He keeps counting down to Friday!
So cute!! This definitly was the best thing we ever did!
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