Tyler and I have gone to Lake Powell almost every year since we were kids, and we LOVE IT! Tyler's parent bought into a house boat recently, so we get to have that luxury now! It was so nice to have w/ all the little kids, and napping babies. Here are a few shots of our week.

Here is the gang (or some of them) on the top early one morning.

Riley after he fell water skiing. He got up on two skis this year, and Loved it!! I was So proud of him!!

Abby and Kate out on the kid ski.

The water is so high right now that there were no beaches. We found this awesome cove w/ this mountain, and the kids loved climbing up each day.

Jenni & Eric brought this fun trampoline. We tied it onto the side of the houseboat, and got a lot of use out of it!

I have never been a fisherman, but it's just something that you have to do while at Powell. Ok, it's something that other people have to do at Powell. Abby was a little scared of the carp. I don't blame her!

Riley love it on the other hand.

Jake could stay behind the boat all day if we would let him.

Surfing with Tyler. He doesn't look too happy, but he actually loves it.
Meili did SO great!! I was really nervous for her, but we kept her cool, hydrated, and in the shade.

Jake and Mei having a siesta on a boat ride.

Tyler and his brothers thought it would be funny to tie glow sticks onto the carp one night. They finally caught one, then let it go. It was funny to watch the little glowing circle moving around in the dark water. It really was entertaining. Mean, but entertaining.

All in all, it was a GREAT trip!! All the kids had so much fun with their cousins! We had good food, and great company. Thanks Dallan & Becky, and everyone else for being an awesome family!!!
I have never been to Lake Powell. I don't think I would be accepted into your family. I would be like a weird alien or something. It looks fun though!
What a fun trip! I am jealous, but so glad you had a great time. I haven't been for 10 years...way too long.
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