One of my favorite things about Christmas is when the kids wake up early in the morning, and I can hearing them whispering in their rooms. Wondering if Santa came, and if so, what did he bring? They were so excited this Christmas, and made Christmas so fun!!
Riley was examaning the "loot" before any presents were opened.

Jacob LOVED opening presents!! He was so excited with each one!

What was Jake's favorite gift to GIVE? Well, when I asked him what he wanted to get Daddy for Christmas, he said, "Coke". He wasn't kidding. I tried to persuade him to choose something else, but the 2 yr. old knows what dad likes best.

Riley was happy to get more legos! He is getting really good at constructing new things with them!

YEA!!! She was a good girl! Abby got the princess vanity that she has been dying to get. Notice her cute leotard & tutu, which has not come off for 4 days.

Darth Vader invaded our house Christmas morning. Jake is always pretending to be one of the "bad guys." Is that a sign?

Riley was happy w/ his Pokemon cards.

These next two pictures show what made our kids the happiest... Chipmunk dolls, and a new little roller coaster. They have had so much fun with Alvin, Simon, & Theodore. Who knew they would be such a hit!

Santa brought Jacob a cute little roller coaster. I need to take a better picture of it, but it is a 10 foot long track that this little car rolls down. They LOVED it! I got the idea from my friend, and have never been so pleased. This was the "in-between" entertainment as they were waiting for their turn to open their gifts. Friends, cousins, and even Grandma (ask me about that one) have ridden the roller coaster. It is a hit!!

Over all, we had a great day!! We spent the afternoon with my family at my parents, then saw Tyler's family as well. I love Christmas, and was grateful that everyone was good this year!
ITs so fun to see all this stuff! I love little kids at Christmas!
It looks like you guys had a fun Christmas too! Your kids are so cute and they are getting so big. We don't currently have plans to go to Utah but Geoff is about to start applying for jobs soon. His clerkship ends in June. I am hoping we will end up back there or somewhere closer by.
Ok please do share the rollercoaster idea. That looks like a lot of fun!!!!
Christmas IS SO MUCH FUN!!!! They are all so cute!!!! I LOVE the roller coaster toy!!! WOW! Where can I find one of those. I have not ever heard of that neat toy=0) FUN! I wish I had one of those when I was lil'
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