Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I love Christmas time

I usually either stress-out during the holidays, or sit back and enjoy... So far I have done both. I am the activities chairperson in our ward, and we just had two big activities that I was in charge of. We had a Christmas breakfast (which I highly recommend instead of a dinner), and neighborhood Nativity. Both turned out really well, but that was the stressful part. Now that they are over, I get to really get into Christmas. All of the shopping is done, and presents are wrapped (almost). So I am really looking forward to the rest of the holiday season.

Riley and Abby made these cute mini gingerbread houses w/ my mom on Thanksgiving, and have been displaying them on the kitchen counter ever since.
My sis-in-law is a great photographer, and wanted to take some pictures of the kids at Gardner Village on Friday. Can I say "COLD"!!! The kids were freezing, but still had fun. Of course Jacob wouldn't cooperate and be in any of the pictures. Maybe next time... (These pics are from my camera- not Nicole's good one)
My neighbors Tyler and Marie were Mary and Joseph for our Nativity last night. All the kids got to come up and be part of the Nativity as well. It was a great night!


Sheri said...

Good job Jana! Both of the activities were great and well attended. I appreciate all your stress so I could just enjoy :) Maybe some day you can just push buttons on the organ...Love ya!

M&M Frost said...

So cute! I love your new blog! Looks great! I think Abby is a little model! She is beautiful!!

Jense Family said...

Ok Abby is such a little Jana!!!! Not that I knew you when you were little, but that is how I totally picture you. Glad to see you are enjoying the Holidays!!!! Wish we could get together sometime.