Monday, December 29, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Yesterday, December 28, was actually our anniversary, but I just didn't get a second to post anything. Tyler and I had fun watching our wedding video and looking at our wedding album with our kids. I can't believe it has been 8 years. My gosh, that seems like a long time! I wanted to post some pics of our wedding day... I know, I look just a little bit chubby, and Tyler is 25 lbs. lighter here. We have both changed quite a bit. I am so lucky to have Tyler for my husband. Here are just a couple of reasons I love him SOOOOOOO much...

* He is so handy around the house (he can fix anything!!)
* He always makes sure our house is clean when we go to bed every night
* He makes dinner for me EVERY Sunday
* to add to that, he is an Amazing cook!! (especially Chinese food)
* Riley totally idolizes his dad
* Abby is tied around his little finger, and is his little princess
* Jacob pretends he is talking to "dada" on the phone all day long
* He is SO patient with me- especially while being pregnant
* He loves me no matter how I look- again, especially while being pregnant :)
* He honors his Priesthood
* He LOVES his calling (Young Men's President), and would do anything for his boys
* He loves me!!

I truly am so lucky to have you Ty!! I love you, and I am so grateful for you in my life!!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Temple Square

Tyler and I took the kids to Temple square last night, along with his friend Dave from work. I was a little reluctant, because it was so could and windy at our house. We decided to just go for it, and were so happy that we did. The weather downtown was perfect- cold, but at least no wind. The kids had fun, and loved seeing all the lights. Tyler's office is right by the Gateway, so we stopped there afterwards for hot chocolate, and yummy christmas treats!  It was a fun night, and helped me get into the spirit of Christmas.
Jacob couldn't get enough for the Christus. He kept saying, "Oweee", and pointing to Jesus' hands and feet. It was so sweet. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We love sledding!!

Thank goodness for the snow!! My kids have been dying to go sledding. We have an awesome hill right down the street from our house that is perfect! Our friends the Becerra's came with us, and the kids had a ball. I forgot how hard it is climbing up the hills- carrying my 18 month old, plus being almost 6 months pregnant. I wish I was in better shape!

Jakey had fun, and kept saying, "gan, gan" (meaning again, again)

Santa Clause is coming to town

Grandma and Grandpa price had their annual Christmas party, with the guest of honor- Santa!! The kids were so excited, and Santa was awesome!  He told a cute story and got the kids  really involved. They had a ton of fun. They were even looking out the window to see if they could see Santa and his reindeer taking off into the snowy night. 

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dancing Queen

Abby's dance teacher decided to do the Christmas recital differently this year. All parents were invited to the last 15 minutes of your child's dance class during the week to see them perform their dances. They were asked to wear something black, red, or green. This made things SO convenient. No buying expensive costumes, sitting through 2 hours of other little people's dances just to see your daughter's 2 minutes of glory, and having to add ONE more thing to our lives. Abby did a cute ballet and tap number. She LOVES going to dance, and I am so proud of how good she is. She goes w/ two of her best friends, Eva and Jane, so it is really fun for her. I love my little ballerina!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's a BOY!!!!!

I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday, and found out we are having a boy! We are so excited to add one more little guy to our family. Our boys have been SO fun, and I am really happy for Jacob to have a little brother. Now, if you ask Abby, she might tell you differently. She was quite upset when I first told her, and let me know that she was NOT HAPPY about this whole thing. I think it is starting  to sink in though, and she is now acting ok with it. I know she will love the baby to pieces to matter what. It's crazy to think that I am going to have 4 kids!! I love being a mom more than anything, and I am excited to have another little baby.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Big helpers

One of Abby's favorite things to do lately is feed Jacob his bottle. I think she is getting in the "motherly mode" since she knows our baby is coming in the next few months. He looks almost as big as she does in this picture!

Along with Abby, Jakey is being the best big helper to Elmo, his new favorite buddy! He loves changing his diaper (I didn't know Elmo needs diapers), and putting him to bed. He is so cute! Hopefully he will be like this to his new baby.