Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's a BOY!!!!!

I had my 20 week ultrasound yesterday, and found out we are having a boy! We are so excited to add one more little guy to our family. Our boys have been SO fun, and I am really happy for Jacob to have a little brother. Now, if you ask Abby, she might tell you differently. She was quite upset when I first told her, and let me know that she was NOT HAPPY about this whole thing. I think it is starting  to sink in though, and she is now acting ok with it. I know she will love the baby to pieces to matter what. It's crazy to think that I am going to have 4 kids!! I love being a mom more than anything, and I am excited to have another little baby.


Jamie said...

Congrats!! I wish we knew how to make boys:)
Have a great Christmas!

Jadi said...

Congratulations!!! Boys are so much fun. I know how Abby feels. I always wanted a sister too. Brothers are a lot of fun though. I can't believe you are going to have four kids! You are so lucky.

Laura Stringham said...

I can't believe that you are going to have 4 kids either. Another boy will be so fun for you guys.

Kim and Chet said...

Congrats! That is so exciting. I can understand how Abby is feeling though. I was an only girl right in the middle of boys! :) I was not happy when my little brother was born either.

I am sure you are such a cute mom and those kids are so lucky to have you!

If you think 4 is weird...try 5! haha

The Higgs' said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you. You are such a cute little mom. I always wanted (and still wish I had) a sister too. But boys are fun. I can't believe you will have four kids either. That is awesome.