We spent all of last week at Lake Powell with Tyler's family. We haven't been able to go for a couple of years, so it was so fun to be there again! Tyler's dad bought a new boat, and it is awesome!! It is made for surfing, but we also had fun tubing, skiing, wakeboarding, and just relaxing! The kids loved being with their cousins more than anything! I am posting a bunch of pictures from the trip, and you might get more later when I get the good ones back from Tyler's brother.

The kids' favorite part of Lake Powell was the beach! Can you blame them?

Jacob had fun holding the flag

Abby and Grandpa

One of the exciting moments of the trip was with Riley. He was getting in the back of the boat, and he hit his mouth on the platform and broke his front tooth. He was pretty traumatized when it happened, but luckily there was no blood or nerve damage. My brother Cory is going to fix his tooth for us. It pays having a dentist in the family!

This is how Jacob spent a lot of time in the boat... thank goodness! He woke up so early every day, so the hum of the boat put him right to sleep. Love it!

We had such a great trip! Thanks Dallan and Becky, and everybody else for being so great! We LOVE our family!!