Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Draper/Sandy Junior Miss

We had our Jr. Miss program on Oct. 29, and it was so much fun! We had 11 girls, and they were all amazing! Talk about talented, bright young women! I had a great experience directing a whole program, which I am not used to. I do the Production for Utah's Jr. Miss, which is always in March, so this was a new undertaking. The girls made it worth it! We are taking 4 girls to the state program. The winners are: Shelby Erasmus, Lauren Dixon, Shelby Dixon, and Lexi Childs. I just found out that Shelby Dixon (#5) won't be able to go to state, so Megan Abrahamson, who is the next runner-up is going to take her place.
Me w/ the girls

Awwww, my kids were so good during the program. I always look forward to their hugs when it is over!


Turia said...

I don't know how you do it all Jana. Way to go. You are one tough chica!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jana!
I know I suck at checking people's blogs but was just thinking about you so I decided to check your blog! i LOVE your bee outfit by the way :) Sounds like you are doing great! Love ya,

Unknown said...

What a great thing to be involved in! I am glad it went well and you had fun with it.
I enjoyed the Halloween pictures too!

Unknown said...

I just noticed that I am logged in under Geoff's account. This is Jadi :)

Kim and Chet said...

It looks like it went well! How fun to be involved in something like that! K, I really want your address so I can send you a Christmas card. Email it to me at sqrlybrly@yahoo.com if you don't mind. Thanks! Hope you all are doing great. Tell you fam hello and Merry Christmas for me :)

RaQuelle Willey said...

very cool, looks like a lot of work. how did you get involved with all that?
I'm sure you did an amazing job!