Friday, November 6, 2009


I am now the Activities Chairman in my ward, so I was in charge of Trunk-or-Treat. I was so busy w/ Junior Miss, plus I felt horrible on top of everything else, but all in all, it turned out to be a great night! The kids decorated our trunk like a beehive, since I was a bee. (Thanks Callee for the costume). It turned out to be less of a beehive, and more of a jumbled mess. Whatever. We still had fun!
Riley and the Beutler boys playing in our "beehive" (tent).
Abby, Sammie and Rachel- two of Abby's FAVORITE big girls!!!

Luke & Luke. Too funny that Riley and William both planned to be Luke Skywalker, WITHOUT consulting one another about it. Great minds think alike.

1 comment:

Allison and Nathan said...

Cute pics. Elliot looks like Johnny Depp in "Edward Scissorhands". Weird.