Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tuesday trama

I just couldn't resist posting the latest, especially since it happened to me, and more specifically, because it hurts really, really bad...

 I was pulling the garbage cans around back this evening, and since our backyard looks like a war-zone right now, I was being extra careful not to fall over anything. Well, I was being careful until I stepped right on a nail which was sticking out of the fence that is laying on the ground. (Did I say white trash?). Anyway, it didn't really hurt, and it wasn't bleeding. I called Tyler and told him, and he suggested that I go get a Tetnus shot at Instacare. I don't think I have had one since my mission, so I thought, "what the heck, we've met our deductible this year, might as well." I actually enjoyed my time to myself; mindless reading of magazines, and soaking my foot in warm, bubbly water. Then, the Dr. came in and started squeezing my heel, and gave me a shot in my shoulder. Did you know that Tetnus shots hurt? Um, ya, they do. It already hurts. I am not looking forward to tomorrow when the pain is supposed to set in. Also, my foot is throbbing now from all the extra attention. Hopefully I will be able to walk tomorrow, as well as move my arm. I should have just stayed home.  


The Sohm's said...

Holy cow Jana! I can't beileve that happened. Of course go to insta care especially if it isn't going to cost you anything. And wow so much has been going on with you guys that I didn't even know. Man Im out of the loop. That is exciting about your deck, and I'm sorry you lost the shade from your tree.

Laura Stringham said...

Ha! You didn't tell me about that. Maybe you just get bored telling me about all the bad things that happen to your guys these days. One day, you'll look back and laugh, but that day might be in another life time.

The Higgs' said...

Jana I hope your luck starts to turn soon. You have had your fair share of the bad so far this year. Sorry about your foot. It is no fun when mom gets hurt. I know, I broke my nose playing softball yesterday. Your family sure is cute and are growing up. I love seeing them and keeping in touch with you through blogging.

Allison and Nathan said...

Oooowwwww! My little brother did that when he was 5 years old - only he stepped on the nail sticking out of a 2x4 on purpose. When we asked him why he did it, he replied, "I thought I was only one pound." Hopr your foot is feeling better now a week later!