Abby's soccer team went to the Real Salt Lake game on Saturday night. She was so excited to go all week, especially since Tyler offered to be one of the chaperones. There were a couple of girls that didn't go, so they let Riley come with the girls. They have really been into soccer lately. I can't believe that we haven't been to any of they Real games yet. It was a late game, so I made the kids take a nap earlier in the day. They cheered the whole time, and had a ball.

I wish I could have gone, but I was really just happy to have some "Mommy & Jakey" time all to ourselves. I will get to a game one of these days...
How fun! My kids love going to sports games. We are going to be going to Mormon night at Camden Yards this Friday. My kids are so excited.
So much fun!!! I wish we were there, maybe we could have let Luke sneak in with Riley. OH! HOw he misses his pal! WE were just talking baout y'all today> ok so here is the plan. In a quick nutshell...Army has put our status on hold until the end of July. We cannot make any plans until after we chat with the commanders and find out our next duty station. So we have to wait a bit longer. We still think Disney W will be so much fun we just can't plan it yet. ok??? Cross your fingers! love you bunches. My lil jakey is getting so BIG! love oyu and miss you Jana! How have you been ? I miss our chats and hanging out! I think abotu you EVERYDAY!!!! hugs and loves :)
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