Thursday, May 31, 2012

Big night at the races!

Tonight we had our Pine Wood Derby! Riley did great, getting 2nd place overall! He was thrilled with his car, so it turned out really fun. 
 Tyler and Greg were doing the fine-tuning right before the race. What great dads!!
 Riley has been working hard on his requirements, and earned his Bear, and Religious knot award, which is part of the Faith in God program from Primary. Way to go bud!
 Jake took his Pine wood derby car that Riley made him for Christmas. He raced it with all the scouts, and he did so good! His car was actually in the top 4, but he gave up his spot so one of the real scouts could compete. He did win the "Banana Boat" race though. The kids tied bananas on top of older cars and raced them down the track. Jake was thrilled to get a real trophy for that!

We have a great Scout Master, and excellent leaders that go above and beyond for these boys! Thanks for making it a great night! Great job to all of the scouts!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Look who's ONE!!

I can hardly believe my little baby girl is already one! This past year has flown by! Meili has been the BEST baby ever, and I can't imagine my life without her! We had Grandma's and Grandpa's over tonight for a little party for her!

Mei loved all of her fun presents! She is not walking yet. However, she did take a couple of steps on her own today! Yahoo! I really am not sure if I am ready for her to be walking yet. She did get a walker to practice with, and a darling little Minnie Mouse car to drive around. She loves her stacker cups, and her other fun toys that light up.

Meili is learning signs to communicate. The ones she is best at are: Water, more, all done, ball, leading music, and Touchdown!. Yes. That is very important!

I love you Meili! You light up the room whenever you are around. You always make everyone smile, and feel good inside with your hugs and kisses. You are such a sweetie, and will always have a special place in my heart!! We love you baby girl!! Happy 1st Birthday!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Made from where?

This morning Jake came running in from playing outside. This was our conversation:
Jake: Mom, there is a hornet out there, and he is trying to sting me!
Me: Did you tell him to leave you alone?
Jake: No! He can't understand me
Me: Why not?
Jake: Because he is from China! Everything is made from China, even bees!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All in a day..

Meili is SO full of life lately!! I guess I should say that she is SO INTO EVERYTHING!! She most certainly keeps me on my toes. I can't turn around for even a second without her getting into some sort of trouble.  Tonight the big kids had chocolate-dipped strawberries. Meili got a hold of the chocolate bowl, and went to town. I think she was in baby girl heaven!
 She has been loving the warm weather outside, and helping me in the yard. Needless to say, she eats more dirt than anything else.
I left the fridge open for one second after dinner, and what did she find? The snow-cone juice. The lid was closed, but you would think that she was guzzling it. 

 Where is Meili's favorite place to play? In the appliance cupboard of course! I don't know how many times a day I have to put everything back in its proper place. Will I ever learn?

 Of course she thinks it's funny when I tell her "No, No!"

Even though she keeps me on my toes, I couldn't ask for a sweeter, cuter, funnier little baby girl!!