I cannot believe this day has actually come! Abby has been so looking forward to turning 8 for such a long time. She has been so excited to get baptized, and is 100% ready for this big step!

Abby was so excited to have her Daddy baptize her. They have planned this day for a long time. I am so blessed to have Tyler as a worthy priesthood holder in our family to perform sacred ordinances like baptism for our children.

She is such a good example to our family!

Abby (and I) got a little emotional as I was bearing my testimony after she was confirmed. She is such an amazing young girl, and I just feel so proud to see her growing up and making good choices. One of her greatest influences are her friends. Here she is with her best friends who came to support her at her baptism.
Grandma & Grandpa Price gave her a cool Book of Mormon book, and a beautiful white bracelet that she hasn't wanted to take off.
Grandma & Grandpa Sohm giving Abby a journal, a tithing bank, and a goal sheet to write down all of her future goals. We LOVE our grandparents, and are so blessed to have them supporting us in everything!
Tyler made the observation that the Priesthood circle from Abby's baby blessing to her baptism was almost identical. That is a pretty powerful testimony of all the good, worthy family members and friends that we have. We had so many people there supporting Abby: Grandparents, Great grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Friends, Primary leaders, School teachers, Neighbors, etc. It was pretty amazing, and so fun to have all of our family over for a big after-party. Thank you to Everyone for coming and supporting Abby!!!!

We love you so much Abby! We are SO proud of you, and the beautiful, sweet daughter that you are! Your Heavenly Father is so grateful for you, and the decision you made to Choose the Right!
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