One thing a mother hates more than anything, is seeing her child suffer. Last Thursday evening we were at Riley's soccer practice. Abby was playing on the Zip line, and she fell and landed on her elbow. I knew there was a reason I don't like those zip lines on playgrounds. I took her to instacare, where she was x-rayed, then sent immediately to Primary Children's. We got there around 9 p.m. According to the x-ray's, she broke her elbow in 3 places. One in particular was worse than the others, because it hit right on a growth plate. They decided to take her in to surgery, and fix her up with pins and wires- OUCH!! That just makes me cringe. Anyway, the surgery went well, and she was a trooper! The ER nurse gave her this little white bear for being so brave. She didn't let it out of her sight the whole time she was in the hospital.

The doctors told us that she will have the pins taken out when everything is set back in place- thank goodness!

Just after surgery. Tyler stayed with her all night in the hospital. I don't do so well there, knowing what is going on w/ my child. Thanks Ty! He deals with that stuff much better than me!

Abby discovered that she could make a seat belt for her new bear snowy on her arm. Finally, a real smile!

The best part of the whole deal... Abby had a loose tooth right in the front, so the doc asked Tyler if he wanted him to pull it. Why not, right? Good choice. The doctor wrote this cute note to Abby. In fact, she doubled her money at the hospital, then brought the tooth home, put it under her pillow, and got another dollar out of it. What a deal!

Abby is having a hard time getting used to her cast. It is the full length of her arm, so she isn't able to bend it: put on her shoes, jacket, carry lunch tray at school, can't run and play at recess, etc... There are things that she has to figure out how to do. This might be a long road, but she has been ok so far!