I loved having Halloween on a Saturday!! I feel like we are always rushing around on Halloween, but we just took it easy this year. Thanks to Tyler, being our designated pumpkin carver, he got the kids out at made them dig out the "guts". Of course Riley hated sticking his hands in the gooey mess, but they had fun.

Cute kids, getting ready for their big night out.

I didn't spend a dime on costumes this year. My sister in law, Emily let me borrow her costumes for Riley and Jake- Thanks Emily!!! Another friend in my ward gave me Abby's lady bug costume last year, and we have just been waiting to use it. Thanks Kim Schipp!
Luke Skywalker

Cute little Lady Bug Abby. She just HAD to wear her angel wings. "Mom, don't you know? A lady bug can't be a lady bug without her wings." Ok. Whatever.

Buzz Light Year. a.k.a. "Bud lite". We would ask Jakey who he was over and over again just to get him to say the name of a beer. It was so funny!

Sandy City Volunteers are the best! Thanks for the candy!!

And off they go...

The kids had so much fun trick-or-treating. They went around with their friends. Tyler had fun too, since he was with the kids dad's, who are his good friends. I got to stay home and pass out candy. Does anyone feel bad for throwing their kids' candy away? I think ours needs to go soon.