Today has been such a great day! (for the most part (**-see below). Tyler turned 32 today! We can hardly believe how old we are getting. He is almost exactly 6 months older than me. The kids and I woke up early this morning to decorate the house. They were so cute, wanting to hang streamers everywhere. Abby went to town decorating the fridge with tiny strips of crepe paper, and almost just as much masking tape to hold up her diamond that she wanted to make daddy. I let the kids each pick out a gift that they could do with their dad. Abby chose side walk chalk, Jakey chose an Elmo kite (of course), and Riley chose a red frisby. The funny part about the frisby was that right after we bought it, he slammed it in the car door, causing a big crack down the middle. Then when we got home, the kids wanted to play with it. So this morning when we were wrapping presents, we couldn't find the frisby, of course. Riley was sad for a minute, then said, "That's ok mom, I will just draw a picture of the "U" for dad, and he will be just as happy!" He knows his dad all too well! Of course we had to have our traditional birthday breakfast of powder donuts with rasberry filling. Ty and I started that when we were dating, and the kids look forward to their fun breakfast almost more than presents.
Tyler opened presents, then we got ready to go to my brother Cory's church. He has a darling baby girl (finally, after 3 boys!), whom they blessed today in their ward in Clinton. (*** )As we were about to leave, we found out that the snow/blizzard/wind storm was hitting. Let me just say that it was the scariest drive we have ever had. Tyler and I both had white knuckles for the entire hour driving up north on the freeway.
Needless to say, we made it there safely, and just in time for Kaitlyn's blessing. We enjoyed their meeting, and being with family at their house afterwards. Tyler actually went to buy new tires for my van because he didn't want to risk anything on our drive back home. I guess breaking the sabbath is ok if you are trying to save your own lives.
We enjoyed our afternoon and evening, and had our parents over for cake and ice cream later. I love you Tyler!! You are the greatest husband and friend that I could ever ask for! Thanks for all of your help the last few weeks with Junior Miss, and all of your constant love and support! I couldn't make it day to day without you. You are the best!! Happy Birthday Sweetie!!