Today has been one of those days when a mom stops and thinks, "Where has the time gone?" Abby turned 7 today. 7! I can not believe how big she is getting. The last 7 years have been some of the happiest of my life. Abby is such a fun loving girl. She loves her brothers, and is most definately a Daddy's girl!! She always makes me smile! She is doing so good in the 1st grade. She is proud of the fact that she gets 100% on every spelling test. She has passed off her middle and right splits at dance, and is one of the craftiest little people I know. She has her daddy's artistic talent. I love you Abby!! You are the best daughter that I could ever ask for! I can't wait for you to be a big sister again, and I know that you will be the best helper ever to our new baby! Happy Birthday Princess!!