We went up to the Heber Valley Campgrounds w/ Tyler's family last weekend. It was so much fun! My kids are already looking forward to next time. Here are a few pics of our weekend.
Jacob was fascinated with the wood pile. I lost track of how many times he climbed up the little path, and came down with a log, and continued over to the fire pit to drop it off. He was so dang cute!

Grandpa kept all of the kids entertained. He had them play cherades for each other.

Leave it to Grandma Becky to devote a whole cabin to games and crafts. The kids loved finding their rocks and painting them. They had other crafts that they did as well.

The funniest part was when Grandpa sat all the kids down, and told them how the missionaries used to fight off the indians with special guns. He instructed all the kids, step by step, on how to make their own "missionary guns." They were made out of PVC pipe, and mini marshmallows were their ammunition. Um... can we say, "marshmallow fight"? Kaden, Garrett, and Riley were all trying to attack me as I was taking this picture of them.

Here is most of the fam getting our wrist tags to do the obstacle course.

Abby flying high on the rope swing. She loved it, and wanted to go again.

me getting all hooked up.

Riley slowing down after a big swing.

Of course, Jake just couldn't miss out on the fun. He was so cute in his little helmet and harness. He is so brave.

Hold on tight Jakey!

Tarzan, I mean Tyler, swinging through the trees.

Sohm Family photo. Thanks Dallan and Becky for a fun weekend!