Sometimes it takes a 4 year old to put you in your place. Jacob came into my room yesterday just after I had gotten dressed. He took one look at me, then we had this conversation:
Jake: Mom, what are you wearing?
Me: My clothes
Jake: You mean, you're wearing THAT? (I had put on some jeans and a long-sleeved salmon-colored shirt)
Me: Yaaaaaaaa?
Jake: You always wear that. Can't you wear something different?
Me. Ok. Do you want to chose something for me to wear?
Jake: Sure... Let meeeeee seeeeeeeeeee.
(At this point, he walks over to Tyler's closet, and starts going through his clothes. I was laughing to myself at how cute & serious he was being.)
Me: Jake, my closet is over there.
Jake: Oh ya..... Now, let's take a look. (He then started flipping through all of my clothes).
I would expect this from my 7 yr. old daughter, but not Jake. He never actually picked anything out for me to wear, but I DID change my clothes. I guess even kids notice little things. He is too funny!